2L-14969 - Doc Kirby & CO. / Doc Kirby & CO (Promo) - Sold Out
*** LP : USA 1973 / Playboy / PB 120 ***
■ コンディション ■
B+ / A / DJ
Smith Vinson, David Lee Daniels,Tim Tutorとともに隠れスワンプレーベルPLAYBOYに残るレア名作です。CD化されて以来すっかり人気上昇しました。
肝心の音はといえば南部の湿った熱風が吹きすさぶ強烈なもの。Tobias Wood Hendersonと双璧をなすぐらい、むちゃくちゃ濃い音なので覚悟が必要です。しっかり腰をすえて聴いてください。スワンプ好きならばノックアウト即昇天は間違いないでしょう。
肝心のドック・カービーは裏面の太っちょさんで、どうやら1曲だけ曲提供しているPat Maloneという人みたいです。本作も含めPLAYBOYのスワンプ4作にクレジットされているエンジニアのKenneth Christianさんのサイトで見つけた証言を引用しておきます。すぐ忘れちゃうんで。"Doc Kirby & Co" featuring Pat Maloneとはっきり書かれていますね。
Kenneth Christian 21-Jul-2008 01:55
Jim, yes this is the same Smith Vinson. I was the sound engineer on the album "One Time for the Cow" which featured the songs you mentioned and which was, to the best of my knowledge, the only album recorded that featured Smith as lead singer. He did, however, play guitar, sing background, and helped to write songs for three other albums that I know of: "Black Jack Davy" featuring David Lee Daniels, "Doc Kirby & Co" featuring Pat Malone, and "Boppin' Through The Milky Way" featuring Tim Tutor." (I also engineered those albums.) All four of these albums were released on Playboy Records in the mid 1970s. They were recorded at Trace Recording Studio in Tupelo, Mississippi, on used equipment from Sun Records in Memphis. Sam Philips, owner of Sun Records, was one of the co-owners of Trace Recording Studio along with Ray Harris, previously of Hi Records in Memphis, who produced all four of these albums. Incidentally, I also took the photo that was used on the cover of the "One Time for the Cow" album.
A1 High On Lovin' 2:14
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A2 John B. Stetson Hat 3:03
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A3 Oh What A Night 2:17
A4 Meet Me In Mexico 2:56
A5 Sing Lottie Sing 3:14
B1 Feel The Heat Coming On 3:20
B2 Mississippi Delta 2:57
B3 Where The Rio De Rosa Flows 2:32
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B4 Working Good Dog 3:12
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B5 Atlanta Sashay 2:18
Backing Vocals - The Geronimo Memorial Choir
Bass - Bob Pieczyk
Brass - Muscle Shoals Horns
Drums - Mike Reeves, Steve Carter
Engineer - Kenneth Christian
Fiddle - Merle Red Taylor
Guitar - Smith Vinson
Piano, Organ - Larry Morgan
Arranged By, Producer - Ray Harris
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