管理番号 |
2L-12098 | 商品ID | 165002235 |
販売価格 |
6,880円(税込) |
購入数 |
» 特定商取引法に基づく表記 (返品など)

2L-12098 - Led Zeppelin / Physical Graffiti (UK) - 6,880円(税込)
*** 2LP : UK / Swan Song / SSK 89400 ***
■ コンディション ■
A- / A- / DH
個人的にツェッペリンは1st, 2ndと6作目のこれをよく聴きます。
A1 Custard Pie 4:20
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
A2 The Rover 5:54
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
A3 In My Time Of Dying 11:08
Written-By - Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
B1 Houses Of The Holy 4:01
Tracking By - George Chkiantz Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
B2 Trampled Under Foot 5:38
Written-By - Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
B3 Kashmir 9:41
Written-By - Jimmy Page, John Bonham, Robert Plant
C1 In The Light 8:46
Written-By - Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
C2 Bron-Yr-Aur 2:07
Written-By - Jimmy Page
C3 Down By The Seaside 5:15
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
C4 Ten Years Gone 6:55
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
D1 Night Flight 3:37
Written-By - Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant
D2 The Wanton Song 4:10
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
D3 Boogie With Stu 3:45
Written-By - Ian Stewart, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Mrs. Valens, Robert Plant
D4 Black Country Woman 4:30
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
D5 Sick Again 4:40
Written-By - Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
Producer - Jimmy Page
Executive-Producer - Peter Grant
Mixed By - Eddie Kramer (tracks: B1), Keith Harwood
Artwork - Maurice Tate
Design - AGI Mike Doud, Peter Corriston
Illustration - David Heffernan
Photography By - Elliot Erwitt, Roy Harper
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