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9L-00759 | 商品ID | 128830694 |
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9L-00759 - Bat McGrath / The Spy - Sold Out
*** LP : USA 1978 / Amherst / AMH 1011 ***
■ コンディション ■
A / A
"Introducing Bat McGrath & Don Potter"でおなじみのニューヨークのフォークデュオ出身、バット・マクグレイスの78年作「ザ・スパイ」。
前作"From The Blue Eagle"がアコースティック・グルーヴが気持ちよいプリAOR的なちょっとメローなシンガーソングライター作品でしたが、今回は気合の入ったAOR作品と言ってよいでしょう。盟友ドン・ポッターも全面参加。
A1 The Spy 3:06
A2 Grow Light 3:09
A3 You Should 'A Asked 3:23
A4 How Would You Like A Punch- 3:20
A5 You Never Fooled Me 3:34
B1 Naples 2:55
B2 Perfect Fool 2:46
B3 I Think It Starts With M 2:20
B4 Angel 4:24
B5 Mornin' Harv 3:59
All Songs Written By Bat McGrath except I Think It Starts With M, Written By Bat McGrath and Don Potter
The Spy
Acoustic Guitars: Fred Mollin, Don Potter; Bass: Tony Levin; Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Fender Rhodes: Bobby Ogdin; Drums: Larrie Londin; Percussion: Fred Mollin, Matthew McCauley: Background Vocals; Matthew McCauley, Fred Mollin; Strings arranged and conducted by: Matthew McCauley.
Grow Light
Acoustic Guitar: Don Potter; Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Bass: Tony Levin; Fender Rhodes: Bobby Ogdin; Drums; Larrie Londin; Background Vocals: Debbie Fleming, Colina Phillips, Sharon Lee Williams; Horns: Russ Little, Pat LaBarbera, Don Englert, Gary Morgan; Horns arranged by: Matthew McCauley
You Should'a Asked
Acoustic Guitar: Fred Mollin; Bass: Tony Levin; Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Fender Rohdes: Bobby Ogdin; Drums: Larrie londin; Steel Guitar: Ron The Man Dann; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Background Vocals: Fred Mollin; Strings arranged and conducted by: Matthew McCauley.
How Would You Like A Punch-
Electric Guitars: Bob Mann; Fender Rhodes: John Capek; Bass: Tom Szczesniak; Drums: Terry Clarke; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Saxophone: Bert Hermiston; Background Vocals: Don Potter, Fred Mollin, Matthew McCauley.
You Never Fooled Me
Acoustic Guitars: Don Potter; Bass: Tony Levin; Lead Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Piano: Bobby Ogdin; Synthesizer: Matthew McCauley; Thunder Claps: Matthew McCauley; Strings arranged and conducted by Matthew McCauley.
Acoustic guitars: Fred Mollin, Don Potter; Bass: Tony Levin; Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Slide Guitar: Bob Mann; Drums: Larrie Londin; Piano: Bobby Ogdin; Saxophone: Bert Hermiston; Steel guitar: Ron The Man Dann; Background Vocals:debbie Fleming, Sharon Lee Williams, Colina Phillips, Fred Mollin, Matthew McCauley, Bat McGrath, Liam McGrath; Hand Claps: Bat McGrath, Ethan Porter, Fred Mollin.
Perfect Fool
Acoustic Guitar: Don Potter; Electric Guitars: Ethan Porter; Steel Guitar: Ron The Man Dann; Piano: Bobby Ogdin; Organ; Bobby Ogdin; Bass; Tony Levin; Drums: Larrie Londin; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Background Vocals: Matthew McCauley, Fred Mollin, Bat McGrath, Choir Invisible.
I Think It Starts With M
Acoustic Guitar: Don Potter: Bass: Tony Levin: Electric Guitar; Ethan Porter; Fender Rhodes: Bobby Ogdin; Drums: Larrie Londin; Synthesizers: Matthew McCoy; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Background Vocals: Don Potter, Fred Mollin, Matthew McCauley.
Acoustic Guitars: Fred Mollin, Don Potter; Electric Guitar: Ethan Porter; Bass: Tony Levin; Drums: Larrie Londin; Fender Rhodes: Bobby Ogdin; Synthesizer: Matthew McCauley; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Background Vocals: Don Potter, Ethan Porter, Choir Invisible, Bat McGrath; Solos (in order of appearance): Don Potter, Bobby Ogdin, Tony Levin.
Mornin' Harv
Acoustic Guitars: Don Potter; Bass Tony Levin; Piano: Bobby Ogdin; Fender Rhodes: Bobby Ogdin; Drums Larrie Londin; Percussion: Fred Mollin; Electric guitar: Fred Mollin, Banjo: Andrew Hermant; Background Vocal: Matthew McCauley, Choir Invisible.
Produced by Matthew McCauley and Fred Mollin
Recorded at Manta Sound Company, Toronto by Gary Gray, and Andrew Hermant assisted by John Nelson and Sy Potma
Mixed by Andrew Hermant.
Mastered By: George Piros, Atlantic Recording Studios, NYC.
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