*** LP : UK 1976 / Chrysalis / CHR 1101 ***
■ コンディション ■
A- / A
当時Steelye Sapnで一世を風靡していたマディ・プライアと、本作がデビューとなるジューン・テイバーのデュオ作。
Martin Carthy、Nic Jones、Danny Thompsonといった腕達者が二人の歌声を柔らかく包み込んでいます。
1. Doffin' Mistress (2.11)
2. Burning of Auchidoon (1.09)
3. Lass of Loch Royal (4.06)
4. The Seven Joys of Mary (3.18)
5. My Husband's Got No Courage in Him (3.10)
6. Singing the Travels (Symondsbury Mummers) (2.48)
7. Silver Whistle (4.12)
8. The Grey Funnel Line (3.04)
9. Geordie (4.00)
10. The Seven Wonders (4.33)
11. Four Loom Weaver (2.37)
12. The Game of Cards (3.19)
13. Dame Durdan (3.01)
Maddy Prior, vocals [all except track 9];
June Tabor, vocals [all except track 3];
Martin Carthy, guitar [1, 6, 9, 10, 13], drum [6];
Nic Jones, fiddle [1, 7-8, 12-13], guitar [3];
Tony Hall, melodeon [1, 6, 10, 13];
Andy Irvine, mandolin [1, 6-7, 12-13], hurdy-gurdy [10];
Johnny Moynihan, bouzouki [6, 10, 13], whistle [7, 12];
Gabriel McKeon, uillean pipes [3, 13];
Danny Thompson, bass [1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12-13];
John Gillaspie, bassons [4], sopranino [4], bombard [4, 10, 13];
Brian Golbey, five-string fiddle [8, 13]
Engineer Robin Black
Produced by Maddy Prior and Robin Black
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