*** LP : USA / Big Tree / BTS 2004 ***
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SPSE ; 3cmほどの底割れがありますが、それ以外にはジャケットにダメージはありません。
Gay & Terry Woodsが脱退し、マーティン・カーシーとピーター・ナイトが参加したスティーライ・スパン71年の2作目「プリーズ・トゥ・シー・キング」。
前作でもアルバムの冒頭を飾った"The Blacksmith"を再度冒頭で取り上げることでも、新たな布陣での並々ならぬ闘志が伺えます。
ラストを飾る"Lovely On The Water"のマディ・プライアの歌唱も必聴!
1) The Blacksmith Traditional 4:45
Direct Link
2) Cold, Haily, Windy Night Traditional 4:35
3) Bryan O'Lynn/The Hag with the Money [Jigs] Traditional 3:17
4) Prince Charlie Stuart Traditional 4:14
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5) Boys of Bedlam Traditional 4:19
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6) False Knight on the Road Traditional 2:44
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7) The Lark in the Morning Traditional 4:29
8) Female Drummer Carthy, Hart, Hutchings, Knight, Prior 4:01
9) The King Traditional 1:30
10) Lovely on the Water Traditional 5:19
Direct Link
Martin Carthy ; Organ, Banjo, Guitar, Vocals, Bells
Tim Hart ; Dulcimer, Guitar, Vocals, Bells, Culca
Ashley Hutchings ; Bass, Guitar (Bass), Vocals, Bells
Peter Knight ; Organ, Fiddle, Mandolin, Violin, Guitar (Bass), Keyboards, Vocals, Bells
Maddy Prior ; Tambourine, Vocals, Bells, Spoons, Tabor
1) The Blacksmith Traditional 4:45
2) Cold, Haily, Windy Night Traditional 4:35
3) Bryan O'Lynn/The Hag with the Money [Jigs] Traditional 3:17
4) Prince Charlie Stuart Traditional 4:14
5) Boys of Bedlam Traditional 4:19
6) False Knight on the Road Traditional 2:44
7) The Lark in the Morning Traditional 4:29
8) Female Drummer Carthy, Hart, Hutchings, Knight, Prior 4:01
9) The King Traditional 1:30
10) Lovely on the Water Traditional 5:19
Martin Carthy ; Organ, Banjo, Guitar, Vocals, Bells
Tim Hart ; Dulcimer, Guitar, Vocals, Bells, Culca
Ashley Hutchings ; Bass, Guitar (Bass), Vocals, Bells
Peter Knight ; Organ, Fiddle, Mandolin, Violin, Guitar (Bass), Keyboards, Vocals, Bells
Maddy Prior ; Tambourine, Vocals, Bells, Spoons, Tabor
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